In the film Phoebe in Wonderland, Phoebe is a 9 year old girl having trouble fitting in with her classmates and feels that there is no hope for her. And even though her mother continuously tells her "I Love You", she still feels hopeless.
She notices the next school play is one of her favorite's,Alice in Wonderland, so she signs up to play the part of Alice. The drama teacher notices some talent in Phoebe and gives her the lead role, much to the dissatisfaction of the other girls.
As Phoebe begins to feverishly practice her role, the imaginative characters come to life in her presence, giving her tips and providing her with courage. The drama teacher has her own tactics to instruct these kids as well: the very first rehearsal she lets the kids do it on their own with no supervision,she also has them play a game called Trust Falls, which teaches them to trust each other. Smart tactics that work well when the teacher is dismissed after some misfortunate events. As Phoebe gains hope and confidence through her imaginary friends, she gets the whole cast to continue on with rehearsals without any drama teacher to instruct them. And the show successfully goes on as scheduled.
At one time or another some of us may have felt like Phoebe: trying to fit in with the other kids, or maybe even with our co workers, or a small group at church. We may have felt all is lost and hopeless. But, thankfully we have a loving God that we can put our hope and trust in. One who never fails:
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Rom.5:5)
We are refreshed and strengthened both physically and spiritually when we place our hope and expectations in Him.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. (Heb.10:23)
This act of confessing our hope comes by: standing on God's promises, speaking out everyday that which we are in hope for, and thanking Him in advance for that answered prayer.
Faith is just not believing, it's understanding. It's understanding the hope that we have
in Christ Jesus.
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