I consistently follow the same routine on Sunday mornings: I need to be at church by 8:30 am for men's Bible study group, so I skip breakfast, go to Dunkin Donuts for the usual medium coffee (sometimes extra large!!) and then stop by the post office to drop in the mail my latest netflix movie. Next to the post office is the fire station. Every Sunday morning the firemen(and women) are outside doing their regular maintenance check ups on the hook and ladder and the hoses and all the other equipment they handle. Basicly, what they are doing is preparing themselves for that week's duties,the honorable duty of putting out fires and saving lives.
In a somewhat similar fashion, as we go to church every Sunday, we are not only worshiping God, but we are preparing ourselves for what lies ahead of us for that week. We may have to put out fires of a different sort, or may be saving lives in the spiritual sense,or praying for people who are sick or in distress. The preparation of the heart is important so that we may do what God has called us out to do.
But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, (v.14)
that the man of God may be complete , thoroughly equipped for every good work. (v.17)
As I was leaving church today the song playing on the radio was by Switchfoot:
This is your life, Are you who you want to be?
This is your life, Are you who you want to be?
This is your life, is it everything you dreamed it would be?
When we leave church each Sunday,this is what we need to ask ourselves: Are we who we want to be? Are we who God wants us to be? Are we prepared for this coming week to do what God has called us to do?
I love going to church, it is who I am, it is who I want to be. Are you who you want to be?
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