Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Of Rev. Ray (part two)

After the initial shock and coming to understand that this indeed was happening to me, I had to pose the questions:
"Where does God fit into this picture?"
"Why is this happening to me?"
"What have I done wrong?"

So many times in life the question is asked of us, "Why has God allowed this to happen?Why would a good God not have prevented this tragedy?" We have to go through this flow chart:
1.Do I believe there is a God?
This is more than just head knowledge or theoretical assent, but a firm belief that you can stand on in the midst of trial.
2.Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?
We need to believe that every word can be relied upon. We need to believe that the answer may be found within the Word.
3.Do you believe God loves you?
It's easy to believe that God loves someone else, but can you believe it for yourself? Can you believe that God sees you worthy of His love?
4.Do you believe God wants to help you out of your situation?

We need to answer these questions in the affirmative to stand on the answer to our situation. If we are stopped by unbelief, we have nowhere to turn except to natural means. We must put the Word of God in us until we can believe. A person can't wrongly believe that it is God who brought the problem in their life if they don't even believe in God or His Word. If we say yes to our belief in God and the Bible, we can ask,

"Why did God allow this to happen to me or to others?"
God does not cause these situations in our life. God has done all He can do,allowing free will in mankind, to prevent and help us to fight the situations that occur in our life.

First: He provided for our relationship with Himself, our healing and provision and our eternal life through His Son Jesus.
Secondly: He has provided His Word to instruct us in how to live our lives in such a way as to prevent and resolve most situations. God wants us to live our lives abundantly.

Many say, "God doesn't speak to me, He doesn't give me answers." The truth is that God has spoken through His Word the Bible, and your solution may often be found there if it is sought.

When we remove ourselves from a relationship with God and go our own separate way, it removes the protection against the enemy. Does this mean we are always in sin when bad things happen? No. The natural world's effect on our bodies and the attempts of the enemy to illegally effect our life and ministries also causes these problems.

We have to know God is real; we have to know His word is real; we have to know He is concerned with us; and we have to know He has provided a way out for us. God puts a hedge around us when we are walking out His Word.

will conclude with part three on my weekend post!

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