Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stand Firm

"Elaine, am I crazy? I think Dugan and the others in the office don't like me."

"Well, you might want to think about moving your arms a little when you walk."


"Swing your arms around like this, so you're not lurching like a caveman."


"Jerry, the woman walks around the office like she's carrying invisible suitcases!"


This Seinfeld episode came to mind the other day as I took notice of someone walking down the street as if they were carrying invisible suitcases.  People of all walks of life (sorry about the pun here) have a variety of ways of walking. When I am out on the trails doing my run I notice some folks walking as if they really are carrying invisible suitcases. Then there's some who walk and move their arms as if they are tap dancing.And then we have the speed walkers, the one's who walk fast and swing their arms up and down as if they were a robot. Yes, we all walk differently.

Now, what about how we stand? Some stand with their arms folded in a posture of standing firm; while others will stand with one arm on their hip which can only be described as one who is puzzled or frustrated.

Don't you hate it sometimes when you are going through a difficulty and someone comes up to you with this word of encouragement, "Stand firm." It makes you kind of want to pop them one,doesn't it?

I think the more encouraging words to say would be, "Hey, I am praying for you. I will intercede in prayer for you every day until this passes. Be encouraged. Stand strong."

By coincidence, medical researchers this past week came out to say that standing can be healthy for you.

It can also be healthy spiritually when you stand firm; your faith grows the most when you go through a trial, so it is important where you plant your feet and how you stand.

Abraham Lincoln once said, "Be sure to put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."

Some wise words to live by.

If your going through a struggle stand firm on the promises of God and know that this too shall pass.
What better place to plant your feet then on solid ground.

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