Monday, September 7, 2009

Second Chances

A recurring theme of "second chances" has been making it's way in the news lately:

1. Some of the 155 passengers who survived the plane crash into the icy waters of the Hudson River back in January have recently come out and have spoken, not only of their ordeal, but about being given a second chance at life. Many of them have taken the solemn oath of now making the most of their new lease on life.

2. One of the more notable people being given a second chance is the controversial Michael Vick. He has been reinstated to play football again after serving his prison sentence for dog fighting.

3. A couple of weeks ago Nick Schuyler, a football player, spoke about being the lone survivor of a boating accident where 3 of his companions died. Nick was found 46 hours later clinging to the engine of the capsized boat in the Gulf of Mexico. He says he has continuous nightmares of the accident and frequently asks himself,"Why did I survive and not them?"

4. Another boating accident in the Gulf of Mexico, this one in August, where 3 Texas boaters held on for 7 days before being rescued. The men said they did alot of praying. One of the men even exclaimed,
"Lots of promises were made out there. And I'm gonna hold every one of them."

At one time or another in each of our lives we have been given a second chance. Whether it be through:

1. Health situations
2.Mistakes made in relationships
3.Job related
4.In our relationship with God

Over the weekend while visiting relatives out of town, I befriended an elderly man who was recovering from a stroke. If Arlo wasn't wheeling himself around and popping wheelies in his electric cart with an oxygen tank, he was cracking jokes with his wife and just having a grand old time. I admired this church-going man's zest for life. God gave him a second chance at life and he was appreciating every minute of it.
God's grace is an all sufficient grace. He is a loving God who forgives and doesn't hold our mistakes against us.

And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. (1 Tim. 1:14)

No matter what your second chance in life may be, make the most of it, with God's love.

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