Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Man Up!

"That's the second un-manly thing you've done today."

"What was the first?"

You are then reflected back to earlier in the day to 3 men fishing in a row boat. The un-manly gentleman in question is seen reeling in a fish and screaming in fear, "Get it away from me! Get it away!"

This is just one of the many Miller Lite Beer commercials where man's masculinity is in question in a supposedly funny moment. Personally I think the ads are not humorous but degrading men. I thought beer drinking men were supposed to be perceived as macho-men, but today's culture dictates otherwise.

Today, even Hollywood downgrades men as unmanly and un-macho as you sit and watch your favorite television sitcom. It is the man who has  replaced the so called bubble-headed bleach blonde character in sitcoms. And some in Tinsle Town will argue that this is the way it is in society today. But excuse me, you are completely wrong!

A few weeks ago on the day before Easter, I and a small group from my church (shooting for 50 men next year!) gathered together with 300 other men for a Resurrection Breakfast. Besides stuffing ourselves with an all-you-can eat breakfast buffet we: prayed together, worshiped God together, and heard a great message on the role of man. Not only that, but we were reminded that the roles of man are not extinct, no matter what our culture dictates.

When God commissioned Joshua to take Moses' place as Leader of Israel, He commanded Joshua to "Be strong and courageous."
Now I am sure Joshua may have had reservations at first of replacing someone of such stature as Moses. I mean,come on, we are talking Moses here. The man who: literally saw God, spoke with God, and was given the Ten Commandments to instruct how all of mankind should live. And not only that, but Moses had to carry with him some extreme patience for 40 years when leading the Israelites, whom God referred to as a stiff-necked and rebellious people.
Yes, Moses was "the man" and now imagine yourself being Joshua and having to replace "the man". Having been chosen to be the successor to Moses probably added great pressure to Joshua. But I am sure Joshua was encouraged when God instructed him to just "Be strong and courageous."

Sometimes us men are faced with the same dilemma as Joshua,  having to live up to certain expectations or high standards. But those of us men who follow Christ can be encouraged, for there are many strong men of God in the world today facing the same expectations and challenges.

Don't let today's world dictate how men are or should be. Stand on biblical principals.  Show them who you really are.
Be strong and courageous.



  1. I will admit that I laughed at the commercial (but I do not always do the right thing). You raise a good point. Who defines our identity and purpose? If the answer is TV commercials, it's like the court jester teaching the prince how to act like a king.

    At the same time, we strive towards another goal. Not only are we moving towards biblical manhood, but we also strive towards becoming godly. And Dave, one think I like about you is how you demonstrate a consistent example of being manly and being godly.

    Sadly, one of the angles of attack on biblical manhood comes from within the church. I speak of what our contemporaries are calling "Christian feminism." I do not understand how people think that movement is linked to authentic biblical Christianity.

  2. Thanks,Craver! I did chuckle at a few of those commercials the first time watching them, but after that was kind of sick of them. Another reason why I seldom watch tv
