This past Sunday marked the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The blockbuster film with Leonardo and Kate was reissued in theaters to commemorate this event. I never really cared for this film, maybe cuz I'm a guy (hence the pic of me mocking Leonardo Dicaprio at the Hollywood Wax Museum). But nevertheless, I was always intrigued by the actual story.
When my sister mentioned she was going to see the film again, it kind of brought to memory a book I had read called Titanic's Last Hero.
It was the story of Evangelist John Harper and his 6 year-old daughter as they were traveling on the Titanic on that fateful day in 1912 when 1500 people lost their lives.And unfortunately, his story gets lost amidst all of the Hollywood hype of the more adventurous stories transpired from this tragedy.
When the Titanic crashed into an iceberg, John Harper placed his daughter into one of the lifeboats and ran to go help other passengers. When the ship began to sink quickly, he and several others jumped into the icy ocean. There were 1528 people in those frigid waters that fatal evening, and the preacher's job was just beginning. Harper was seen swimming around relentlessly trying to lead others to Jesus before hypothermia would settle in on these folks.
"Are you saved?" John Harper asked another, the man answered no.
When Harper tried to lead him to Christ, the young man with shock settling in, replied no. John Harper gave the man his life jacket and told him he needed it more than he did,Harper than swam on to save others.
It is ironic that John Harper had almost drowned several times during his life. Perhaps that is what had prepared him to move forward in strength with no fear whatsoever on this tragic night.
Only 6 people in those frigid waters were rescued, John Harper was not one of them. But the young man he gave his life jacket to did survive, and was able to tell the story of Evangelist John Harper: a man who gave no consideration for his own life, while trying to lead others to a better life.
Admirable courage. My guess is that his final thoughts were along the lines of a couple of greats in the Old Testament. What might have been intended for evil, God meant for good. Also, who knows, but that he was put there for such a time as this?
ReplyDeleteI remember the book being really fascinating and uplifting. may have to hunt a copy down,again to read!
ReplyDeleteWhich book? The Old Testament? I'll lend you mine. ;-)
ReplyDeleteha,ha Craver..the Titanics Last Hero. i think i still have a copy,i will lend it to you,i know you will enjoy it!