Some of the good causes that take place within our communities were created unfortunately from tragedy:
John Walsh, the host of Americas Most Wanted, began his crusade after the abduction and murder of his 6 year old son Adam. His show, on television for 22 years now, has helped capture over 1,000 fugitives and criminals, and has brought home more than 50 missing children.
Many of the child safety and protection laws that now exist are because of John Walsh and his family's tragedy.
A friend of mine, also named John, was involved in a one car drunk driving accident back when he was in his early 20's. His jeep flipped over at an intersection well after midnight, thankfully an off-duty state trooper was there to pull him from the huge fireball wreckage. After pulling him from the car to safety, the trooper took pictures of not only the car on fire, but photos of John lying in a hospital bed hooked up to many tubes and machines; the officer hoping John would pull through and use those photos for a good cause. John spent several months in the hospital. My friend was sentenced to 1,000 hours of community service, talking to high school kids about the dangers of drinking and driving. Some 20 years later, John still goes around sharing his pictures and stories at high school assemblies. If you ask him why he does it after already fulfilling his sentence many years ago, his reply is simple:
"God spared my life for a reason, and I am going to make the most of it."
Just this past weekend Jasper Howard, a University of Connecticut football player, who was also an expectant father, was stabbed to death after a homecoming dance on campus. Their coach was one who always stressed to the team that they were all one family and were to look out for one another. One of Jasper's distraught teammates exclaimed,
"As Jasper looks down on us, I can promise him and his family that when that son or daughter is born, they will have 105 uncles."
We don't necessarily need to wait for a tragedy to happen to get involved in our community ( your town, your family, or your church).
In 2 Timothy 4 , Paul urged Timothy:
But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
God has called all Christians to share their faith with others and to lead people to Christ. We do not necessarily have to be called into full time ministry to do this. We are also called upon to do good to others, especially those in need.
When we use the gifts and talents that God has given to us in a positive way,
positive results are sure to follow.
As Winston Churchill once said,
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."