Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Rules According to the Weather

"I like how you consistently live by your rules, Dave." my co-worker exclaimed to me yesterday.
Some of my self-made rules coincide with the weather since I am considered an outdoor person, except for when it comes to sleeping in a tent. Here are some of those rules:

Rule 1.  I can only eat oatmeal and soup during the cold months.

Rule 2. I can only eat salads during the warm months.

Rule 3. I can't watch television or films on DVD or Blue Ray when the weather is nice outside. But I can definitely go to the theater to watch a film! (go figure) I think that last part is because most of the movies worth viewing at the theater always come out during the summer months.

Coincidentally one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes has to do with the weather:

"Why complain about the weather, you can't do anything about it."

My sentiments exactly.  I  may not be able to change the weather, but I sure can change some of my lifestyle habits to adapt to the weather.
That's my rule, and I'm sticking with it!

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