This past year I witnessed:
1. A death defying cat who walked a high-wire act.
2. Some dogs who could jump rope with a human.
3. A man water skiing atop 2 dolphins used as his ski's.
4. Tim Tebow, known as the Jesus Quarterback, defying critics and taking the country by storm.
5. And... seeing my own photographic talents exceed my expectations in one giant swoop.
What do all these acts have in common? Talent.
The animal acts I was able to view were at San Diego Sea World; and the Pets Rule Stage was the greatest highlight of my visit. All of the dogs and cats used in the show were rescued from animal shelters. Some of these animals were discarded by owners who thought they were untrainable. It is amazing what you can train an animal to do just by showing it some love, tenderness and care.
Tim Tebow is known for: having a deficiency in quarterback skills but making the most with what he has,that plus being a Christian and not being afraid to show it to the world as he gives glory to God on every touchdown.
Tebow came in to start for the Denver Broncos after they started the season 1-4. They won 7 of their next 8 games. Tebow took them on a wild ride rarely seen in sports, and out of those 7 wins: 3 were won in overtime, and the other 4 wins were
come-from-behind victories in the last minute.
As for my photography, God opened many new doors for this talent that I do not take lightly. A published photo in an annual book of some of the best photographs taken, a new website to sell my photos, and new adventures in displaying and selling my work in a few stores.
Talent is an interesting word. We all have been given talents to use at our disposal, and it is up to each of us to fearlessly go about using those talents and not let anything stand in our way. Thomas Edison is known to have gone through hundreds of failed light bulbs until succeeding.
I believe all of us can succeed in our talents if we don't take them lightly, don't overexpose and flaunt them with an attitude, but accept and use them graciously.
Don't be afraid this new year to use those talents God has given you, and it's okay to fail because you will eventually succeed. Just don't give up!
This man is like a tree planted by the rivers of water, which gives its fruit at the right time and its leaf never dries up. Whatever he does will work out well for him.
-Psalm 1:3
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