One of the great places to find peace is at The Quiet Zone which can be found inside the giraffe house at Chicago's Brookfield Zoo. During the winter months these lengthy, peaceful creatures are confined to indoors. The house is small but quaint and on any given day you will find someone just sitting in there watching, meditating,and forgetting all of the outside world. Ahhh,yes...peace, a great place to be at but sometimes hard to find.
When John Lennon sang "just give peace a chance" he was referring to world peace. But there is something to be said for giving peace a chance within the intervals of our own daily lives. Medical doctors even suggest that finding a quiet time within our busyness is quite healthy.
And as for the spiritual side of peace, God asks us to find that time alone with Him; to shut out the cares of this world and seek after Him. A valiant effort on our part can do wonders in our walk with the Lord and with our faith.
There are also two great examinations that we can take part in during this quiet time:
Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith. (2Cor.13:5)
And ask the Lord:
O Lord, examine my heart and my mind. (Psalm 26:2)
Giraffes are a great reminder that peace is available to everyone. We just have to be willing to choose to partake in it.
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