Lets face it, whether it's: a guinea pig, a dog, a cat, a bird, or a rabbit,they are our pets and we love them. We get so attached to them that they become part of our family.And though they are not considered human and we can't use them as a tax deduction,they do have a brain and a heart,and are able to show emotions.And in fact,Animal Behaviorist Specialists can now pin-point down to a science these animals behavior patterns. Everything from: which way their ears are pointed, their posture, and every which way that tail wags or wiggles says something emotionally.
In the last couple of weeks I've known 2 people who's dog died,one at 15 years of age and the other at 12 years of age. I like what the owner of the eldest dog said,
"My dog had been with me through some of the most difficult times in my life."
Sorry,if I sound a little partial to dogs, but I agree that dogs are some of the most faithful companions.
One of my favorite episodes of The Twilight Zone is the one that tells the story of the old man and his coon hunting dog Rip. The old man and Rip were joined to the hip, you could say. Everywhere the old guy went,Rip would follow. They loved going raccoon hunting together, it's what bonded their relationship. And hound dog Rip would do anything for his master.
One early evening Rip was chasing down a raccoon and the pesky critter led him onto a log hanging over a pond. The raccoon obviously made his way over the log but poor old Rip fell into the pond and disappeared. Rip's master jumped in to save his faithful companion and the next thing you know, they find themselves on Eternity Road.
As they travel down the road they come up to a gatekeeper, the old man assumes he is St.Peter. The gatekeeper exclaims,
"Oh, you can come in here. But you can't bring your dog with you. There's a special place for dogs just up the road."
Of course the old man wasn't about to enter without his faithful dog. And in fact, Rip begins to unnaturally growl at the man as if something were wrong. The old man rejects the gatekeeper's offer. As they travel further down the road they come up to another gate, and the gatekeeper allows the two of them to enter. The gatekeeper also explains to the old man that the other gatekeeper was not St. Peter,and that road did not lead to heaven.
"Why, Rip and I knew there was something strange back there.Who would ever suggest separating a man and his dog. It's unheard of!"
St. Peter leads them into the gate toward heaven and exclaims,
"A man, he'll walk into hell with both eyes open, but even the devil can't fool a dog."
On a recent trip to Sea World in San Diego, there is an animal act that outshines all of the other shows that consist of water animals. It's called the
Pets Rule Show. All of the animals used in the show were basic house pets and even included a pig. These animals were trained to do stunts such as:
obstacle courses,jump rope,stand up on their hind legs and walk like a human, and walk the tight rope. What was even more amazing was each of the dogs and cats were adopted from animal shelters,left behind just because their owners said they were not trainable. If only those previous owners could see them now!
Pets can easily be trained. All you need to do is show them some love and treat them as part of the family. Because in the end, that's what they are, part of the family.
amen and amen!(thanks)