Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Oh Church, How Could You Forget?

I do not ever recall someone pulling a gun out and Superman turning away quickly to fly away;forgetting that he was the Man of Steel who could withstand bullets,can you?

In recent months we have seen the Church continue in some strange unorthodox behavior. One of which is so disturbing because it involves so many church leaders.

1. A church in the South made headlines for removing a special needs child from a worship service because he was a distraction. The church stated they do not want any distractions to ruin their service. Wonder what they would do if the Holy Spirit came in and distracted the service,would they kick Him out too?

One of the problems within the Church is the worship service turning into merely an entertainment venue to simply entertain us with talent. The Church has forgotten what it's purpose is.

Probably the most disturbing aspect of the Church that is rising today is the religious-powers-that-be forming a coalition mixing Christianity with Islam,and calling it Chrislam. Over 130 Christian leaders collectively state that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.

Perhaps they should have first consulted with the many Muslims who have converted to Christianity. I have sat and listened live to three stirring testimonies from former Muslims. And two of them had the same occurrence:

Each one found themselves alone in a room and demanded both Allah and God to show up right there and then if they were for real. And of course, you know Who showed up in dramatic fashion!

The mixing of Islam with Christianity is just another bad example of the Church compromising with today's society,instead of encouraging society to adapt to the teachings of Jesus.They have forgotten that the power of God can change lives.

I am still puzzled to this day as to how the Church has gotten to this level of forgetting the power of God, becoming either: seeker-sensitive,or only providing entertainment to build up attendance and wealth,or simply trying to build themselves up to a higher level.

What ever happened to building the Church up through God? I recently did a word search throughout the Bible on the word power. No where in the entire Bible will you find that either: God has lost His power,God does not do the miraculous as He had done the last 2,000 years, or has put a time limit on His power.

One of the first names of God in the Old Testament is Elohim, which means
Powerful God.

There are many out there who are struggling through economic hard times, illness,family issues,and a lack of faith. If you want to build your church today you simply need to provide the people with the one and only true hope,Jesus Christ. God has not lost His power:to forgive,to heal,to satisfy,redeem your life from destruction,to give you grace, peace and understanding. Psalm 103 instructs us to not forget all of His benefits.

And to those who want to promote Chrislam I leave you with this from Rick Mathes, a "true Leader" involved in prison ministry. Rick sat down with a Muslim and discussed God versus Allah,he then asked the man,

"Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me(non believers of Allah are commanded to be killed)in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?"

It would be great if the whole Church could just remind herself of the old hymn
The Blood Will Never Lose its Power and then actually go out and live it.

The blood that Jesus shed for me,
way back on Calvary;
the blood that gives me strength
from day to day,
it will never lose its power


  1. I would not encourage anyone to "demand" anything of God Almighty, but I see the point, that only God is able to answer, because only God is real. Allah is not the same as the one, true God.

    We should talk about miracles some time.

    A child with special needs is not up to church's standards? I wonder how that compares with the filthy rags we pass off as righteousness before a holy God.

    Mixing Islam with Christianity? That is an abomination to both systems. Utter foolishness!

  2. i am looking forward to 9-11 this september. a former Hezzaballah soldier and terrorist who is now a christian and pastors Vancouver Christian Fellowship church gives his testimony.

    as for Chrislam, i cannot believe some of the "big leaders" who are doing this,ridiculous!
