One of my all-time favorites at the zoo are the sea lions.I love the way these characters can hamm it up for spectators and bark for attention from the trainers.
Four years ago I got to spend some time at the zoo behind the scenes with these amazing creatures and their trainers and of course, I had a blast. They truly are one the most intelligent animals of God's creation.
The sea lions are one of 7 species of pinnipeds. And how can you tell a sea lion apart from the others? By the presence of: ear flaps, long front flippers,and they can walk on all four flippers on land. Along with their dog-like bark, these fellas teeth will eventually turn black. But no need to fear Mr.Dentist or Miss Hygienist! Whether they are in the wild or in captivity, these flippered felines teeth turn black due to a normal, healthy bacteria.
These guys love swimming and can seal their nose shut and swim underwater for up to 15 minutes. Wish I could do that!
The California Sea Lions are the most intelligent of this species and are so easily trained that you will find them at most any zoo you visit. And some are even used by the U.S. Navy:
The Navy trains and uses them to detect underwater land mines and for equipment recovery. Since these animals can swim silently underwater they are used in the Persian Gulf. They are trained to swim behind an enemy diver who may be approaching a ship, can attach a clamp(which is connected to a rope)and attach it to the enemy's leg in seconds without the diver ever knowing the clamp is attached to his leg.
Hmmm, perhaps these guys are the "real" Navy Seals.
The sea lions, another one of God's amazing creation.
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