When someone mentions to you the giraffe you instinctively think of the animal with the long legs and long neck. So when you look at the unique features of this animal and see how they live, it makes you wonder who else but God could create such an animal.
This was part of a lunchtime conversation with some co-worker friends a couple of weeks ago.
Here are some interesting facts I found about this long-legged creature:
1. A new born giraffe measures about 6 feet
2. Every step a giraffe takes is 15 feet long, so if you were to walk alongside one
you would literally have to run to keep up with them.
3. A giraffe sleeps no more than 5-30 minutes in a 24 hour period.
How do they do that without caffeine is what I want to know!
4. Each time a giraffe lifts it's neck it is picking up 550 pounds.
5. A giraffe's heart is 24 pounds in weight and 2 feet in length.
And their blood pressure is twice that of a human.
And here is the most fascinating fact I found about this peaceful animal:
The elastic blood vessels in their necks makes it possible for them to drink water from a stream without fainting. And this is because their jugular vein contains many one-way valves that prevents the back flow of blood.
Next time you see a giraffe at your local zoo think of who created this
magnificent animal.
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