Marshmallows roasting on an open fire, moonlight shining on the bay,words of praise being spoken by a choir of men, git your praise on, git your praise on, one and all!
Last weekend at my church's men retreat we sat around a bonfire the first night and talked about the power of praise and how it keeps that spiritual fire within us still burning. Some 14 hours later that same bonfire was still smoldering. That is exactly was praise does.
And that power within our praise will only work when we put it into action everyday and not just on Sunday.
Praise places an important role in our lives.
Last week I also learned something new: the lesser the amount of water in a pot the quicker it will boil. So how does this relate to praise? I am so glad you asked!
If you tend to get angry quickly at anything pertaining to life, and you've reached that "boiling point", you may be in a dry season and need some more water in your pot. In other words, your soul needs more refreshing, this comes not just from God's Word but through praise.
If you attend church on Sunday and then go to work or school on Monday feeling crappy and mad at the world, then you didn't get the refreshing you need, your tank is empty and it needs to be refilled.
That is why praise is important everyday.
I have learned much through my church in the last couple of years about praise, how to praise, why to praise, and what praise does.
And now the way I approach each day with praise has made a world of difference in my life. So I think I would be remiss if I didn't help others to "git that praise out".
Before you can even conquer the world and your life with praise, you need to surpass from the believing in God stage(accept as truth) to the trust in God stage(having a full assurance). Once you have made the commitment to trust in God the praise should come more natural to you.
I'll share on my next post some simple steps that I do to help and encourage you to
"git your praise on".
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