I've heard it said that,"It's not how you enter into this world,
but how you leave it."
Though we don't have any say on how we can physically leave this world or even choose when to leave (without doing harm to our self), we can however dictate how we can leave spiritually, or should I say "peacefully".
This past week our men study group at church lost another Elder Statesmen.One of the last true, down to earth Irishmen that I know; and known by me as Uncle Jack.
Uncle Jack left a lasting impression on me during my last visit with him. He had suffered a stroke and was in the ICU at the hospital. When I walked into the room he had a couple of women from church there, encouraging him with their voices as they sang hymns. Though Uncle Jack was kind of in a comatose state, he recognized me, and was fully aware of his surroundings. And even though he couldn't vocally express himself, he was trying really hard to sing along. In his spirit he was definitely singing.
For the few years of having him in our study group, he would often mention the many battles he had fought and conquered with diabetes. And all the while, you could see his love for God and his love for worshiping Christ.
Uncle Jack fought the good fight in faith, and continued to worship God amidst all of his struggles. What better lasting impression to leave on all of us; going out in a blaze of Glory!
If I can, at my homegoing, I'd like to be surrounded by saints, singing hymns. That brings back special memories for me.