Once our plane reached high above the clouds, one of the male stewards jokingly quipped:
"Will the owner of a Blue Dodge Durango please come forward, you left your lights on!"
Now,mind you, the steward had already warned us of his one liners by exclaiming:
"If you don't like my jokes there are six exits on this plane: two in the front, two in the middle at the windows, and two at the end of the plane!"
It was nice to see someone having fun with their job.
A few days later in San Diego we hopped aboard the USS Midway aircraft carrier.
We climbed our way to the first level which had some displays, gift shops, and restrooms. Only one thing though, which I failed to recognize, okay I admit I didnt know, that the bathrooms on board a ship full of sailors is called something else.
All of the Docents (guides) are former Navy personnel. When I asked a crusty old Vet docent at the information booth where the restroom was, he LOUDLY snarled, to my embarrassment,
"We don't have restrooms! There is no rest for sailors on this ship!"
"Okay, where's the bathrooms?" I asked.
"Sailors dont use bathrooms!" he added.
Someone was then kind enough to inform me to ask the Vet where the "head" was. And sure enough, the docent finally gave me the directions I needed. But, he obviously had to get his last licks in,
"I sure hope you make it in time!"
Ha ha! Sure I was embarrassed. But again, I was glad to see someone having fun at their job. But not at my expense! Upon leaving the bathroom, I mean "the head", there was a sign explaining why the bathroom on board a ship is called the "head: the bathroom is always located at the head of the ship.
Having fun while you are working is vital to your sanity. Ironically, the last couple of weeks leading up to my vacation I had been in some kind of "labor kick" of the working variety:
First I had found out that some Illinois highway construction workers, who are making $58-$63 an hour, are on strike for, you guessed it, more "Money". My thinking on this was: "With millions of people out of work, how can you have the audacity to go on strike when making that much money? There are many people who would kill to have that job and would do it for a half, or a third of what you are making.You should be grateful you have a job and especially with that kind of salary."
Second, before taking my two weeks vacation I had three of my brothers and sisters at church ask me to remember them in prayer for a job. Of course I obliged, knowing where they are coming from personally because I've been through it myself. This also made me grateful for the opportunity of being able to take a vacation from a job that I have.
I think this is why we all need to put into perspective what we do have,and what God says about it, and what He wants from each of us.
Amidst all of this, I have been studying for the past month the Book of Ecclesiastes, which relates to many things about work and enjoying life, and I'll deal with this on my next two posts.
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20:
Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink, and find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the days of life God has given him- for this is his lot.
Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, accept his lot and be happy in his work, this is a gift from God. He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.
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