Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Happy Place

Someone at work a couple weeks ago posted an interesting note on the community board about church being the safest place to be at. It listed statistics of some of the places we go, how we get there, and the percentage of safety there. Our automobiles are responsible for 20 percent of all fatalities. Other transportation such as air, train, and water, our chances of being in an accident were at a lesser percent. The highest rate of death was in the hospital at 33 percent. The most safest place to be was in church, with an accident or death rate of only one tenth of a percent(.001%).

A couple of years ago the Pew Research Center did a survey and came out with this little nugget:

43 percent of those who go to church and go more than once a week, are more happier than those who attend only once a week.

So the safest place to be is in church and the happiest of all people go to church more than once a week.

The adventurous Amelia Earhart once commented:
"Who wants to be imprisoned in safety?"
What she meant was don't be afraid to go out and be adventurous and pursue your dreams.

I tend to think of church as a filling station where you get filled up with all things God and then are able to go out into the world with peace and joy and conquer that which is in front of you knowing that you are under the shadow of the Almighty.

So I guess if there's one question one might ask himself it'd be: Am I getting what I need out of church so that I can go out and conquer those mountains that are in front of me and pursue my dreams successfully?

The condor is known to have the longest wing span over 8 feet in length. The only wing span that can out stretch that of a condor is God's. His covering expands from sea to shining sea. No matter where you go you are under His covering.

Church....a safe place, a happy place, a place to grow, a place to get closer to God, a place to fill yourself up so you can go out and conquer those Goliaths in your life.

Man,I can't wait to go to church again!


  1. The church is not only a good place to receive those benefits, it is also an ideal place to give. When I go, I am thinking about giving worship to God, and hoping that He is pleased. It is also a good place to utilize my God-given gifts and talents. As a fringe benefit, we are happiest and function best when we are serving the purposes we were created for.

  2. that's absolutely right! I love worshiping god in church cuz it fills me up! i think our being filled up with Him gives us that attitude of "wanting to give"..

  3. It's a nice church.pls read my web you will find happyness also. www.holytruthfortheworld.blogspot.com
