The other day I received an alarming notice from Emergency Healthcare Physicians alerting me of possible identity theft as my health records, which included my social security number, had been stolen along with several other patients.
Upon receiving this news I surprisingly remained as calm, cool, and collective as Clint Eastwood strutting down the middle of town and staring down the barrel of some bandit's rifle.
If this had happened to me a few months ago or even last year my natural reaction would have been an expletive, anger filled tirade of great proportions. Or, as some would say: a total freak out episode.
The letter that was sent included a list of steps to follow and people to contact to protect myself financially. I went through all the precautionary measures with calm precision knowing that God was in control of the situation.
I guess you could say I've grown up spiritually to where I don't let things like this incident bother me as it would have in the past. This stems from making a conscious effort to get myself from believing (accept as truth) in God to trusting (having a firm assurance) in God.
Putting in that extra effort to know God more intimately makes all the difference in the situations that may befall you.
"It's not about a religion. It's about relationship."
I do hope that whoever committed this theft doesn't come away with a fistful of dollars.
Especially mine!
It is good to be able to keep your cool. I was given a chance to exercise that last night, unfortunately. I passed, but it's not a test I enjoy.
ReplyDeletesometimes the test of patience is good drama to see where your at spiritually, but i agree, not a big fan of the test of patience!