Thursday, March 12, 2015

Welcome Back Spring!

"It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds." - Aesop
With spring finally beginning to blossom, here are a couple of true stories on birds and one
 mind- boggling incident involving a squirrel.
A friend of mine relayed this story to me through social media, a story of a girl named Gabi who began feeding the crows in her backyard when she was 4 years-old. Today, 4 years later she still feeds them but they have begun to reciprocate her generosity by leaving her shiny objects of jewelry and such. She now has a few boxes to hold the collectibles in. Yes, crows are smart!

This story reminded me of when I was 16 years-old and my dad took us to a cabin resort up in Wisconsin. When we first got there one of the hired-hands asked me if I wanted to see her trained bird. I obliged but was expecting a parrot or something in a cage. She began to call out the name "Junior" and sure enough, a black crow came swooping down and landed on my shoulder; this in turn would scare the crap out of me.
The hired-hand also reminded us not to leave out any shiny valuables because Junior has a tendency to take them. So, with spring fast approaching, look out for the crows!

A couple of days ago I noticed a net sack full of a variety of seeds sitting on my third-floor deck. I have no neighbors on either side of me so I was a little intrigued with how it got there. The next morning a squirrel found his way upon my deck via the roof, and began to munch furiously on the seeds. A long winter was had by all, and for this little guy he got his fill in. He even stopped eating after a few minutes but would come back later for more. How that net sack got there I will never know. Just another miracle of nature.

Spring is finally here, and most of us here in America have toiled through a rough winter, so welcome spring with open arms.  And may you all be rejuvenated!

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