Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Talk to Me

Here's healthy tip number one for being content in Christ: Communication

Being content in Christ means no worries, so, isn' that what we all want, a life without worry? Which kind of reminds me of a famous Mark Twain quote:

"Why complain about the weather, you can't change it!"

Enough said.

As in any good healthy relationship, communication is the key for it's survival.

 I love watching the zoo trainers as they feed the sea lions. They don't just throw fish at them, they communicate and interact with them. The trainers will have them: spin around, flap their fins as if to wave hello, and bark. This communication is important for the zoo trainers in order to build a trust factor with the sea lions, as trainers have to periodically do an examination on their health.

So communication also builds trust.

If you are a believer in Christ, ask yourself:

Do I talk to God?

How often do I talk to God?

Am I only talking to God when I need something?

King David is one of my favorite biblical characters because of the relationship he carried with God. David would literally lay his head upon a rock in the evening and simply talk to God. This is simplified prayer or just plain talking to God. David spoke to God as if he were his natural father, but knowing in reality God being something far greater, his Heavenly Father.

There are so many different facets of prayer, a structured prayer is okay in certain settings, but just plain old talking to God matters most. This means we have a relationship with Him built around understanding and trust. There is something to be said for just talking to God, perhaps it is us speaking from the heart and being  honest with God, which leads to understanding and trust. When Jesus said,

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."  (Mathew 5:8)

I believe He may have been hinting at: those who seek God open and honestly shall see and hear from Him. God knows each of our hearts, I believe the understanding and trust factor can only be built in a relationship that involves constant communication.

I love how throughout the four Gospels, especially Mathew, that God refers Himself to us as His Heavenly Father. He also instructs us to ask Him of anything, He wants us to think and act and talk to Him just as that, our Heavenly Father. He doesn't want us to speak to Him as if He were some kind of idol.

Do you consider Him as your own personal Heavenly Father? If so, begin to talk to Him that way. Spend time getting to know Him through His Word and through your worship of Him. Then everything in your life will begin to fall into place, and you will see those worries falter as your trust in Him grows.

You probably can already guess what healthy tip number two is on being content in Christ. Until then, talk to God with an open heart, talk to Him like a son or daughter talking to their father.

If you live in an area with no access to a Bible, click on my homepage link to biblegateway.com for more of God's encouraging Word.

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