A dog says,"You pet me,you feed me,you shelter me, and you love me, you must be God."
A cat says,"You pet me, you feed me, you shelter me, and you love me, I must be God."
In the book Cat and Dog Theology, written by Bob Sjogren and Gerald Robison, and now property of Intervarsity Press(where I work at,woohoo!)the authors suggest:
"These God given traits of cats(you exist to serve me) and dogs(I exist to serve you) are often similar to the theological attitudes we have in our view of God and our relationship to Him."
I can whole-heartedly agree and relate to the theology that compares to the personality of dogs, so here's my take on dog theology:
Francis the Dog had a knack for following my every movement throughout the house. No matter what room I entered he was literally at my heals.If I went to the bathroom he would sit outside the door and wait. When I would come home with some bags of groceries, his nose was right there either sniffing through the bags knowing full-well I had dog treats for him or just wanting to be near me as he wagged his tail profusely.He knew that I fed him, took him for walks, pampered him with attention,loved him, and yes...even talked to him as if he were a "real person". It was a great relationship because he never talked back or got mad at me.(haha)
Francis was a dog who remained loyal to me,always wanting to be near me and willing to please me and trust me.
He was faithful. Hmmm, I must be God to him!
Now if you are a follower of Christ, ask yourself:
"Am I as loyal and faithful to my Master, the Creator of heaven and earth, as Francis the Dog was to his master?
"Am I desiring to be closer to Jesus daily(through worship and praise), or only when I feel like it?"
"Am I willing to do anything and everything to please God?"
"Do I love Him and do I show my affection and love for Him?"
"And, do I trust in Him to take care of my every need?"
Most of us who do follow Christ try to stay consistent in our faithfulness toward Him. But it is always good to occasionally do a gut-check or in this case a
spirit-check on our faithfulness: to be near Him, to trust Him in difficult times,and to love Him unconditionally.
God loves it when we are faithful to Him; even in the hard times, for He does this:
Oh, love the Lord, all you His saints!
For the Lord preserves the faithful,
and fully repays the proud person.
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart,
All you who hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:23,24)
There is so much to be learned from dogs and how they serve their masters.
I, for one, want be like Francis the Dog:loyal,faithful, wanting to be near Him,and loving my Master,the Creator of all things.
Thanks Francis the Dog for setting a great example for us humans. You were the best!
Very interesting Article, thanks author. Boo