One of the great things about vacation is it's way of us escaping reality for a week. But that of course depends on your travel destination. If you live in the Midwest then pretty much anywhere there's palm trees and tropic temperatures is a way of escape.
You may find yourself eating lunch or dinner at a restaurant with an incredible ocean view and begin to think to yourself: wow, I could live here and do this all of the time. Or even begin to ponder that age old thought, "I wish I'd have grown up out here!" In other words the "What if" begins to exhume our brain and play games with out head within the warmth of the tropic sun as it scorches our face.
The "what if" game is something we have all played at one time or another. The dream of growing up in a different environment or culture and fantasizing of what our life may have been like.
There have been times when I also would ponder the thought of what if I had been born in a different country?What would it be like? And would I have the things to live with that I now take for granted everyday?
We don't exactly have a choice of where we are born or the choice of environment to grow up in,it just happens. When we get older we do have that choice, but some people still won't and may never get that choice. So in essence where we find ourselves planted can be a blessing in disguise.
John Wayne once said, "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway."
Thankfully some of us live in a country where we can make that choice of saddling up and moving to an even better climate, even if it is just for a few days.
Thank God for vacations and escaping from reality for a little while. Even a little while is better than none at all.
Ahhh, California dreamin' all the time!
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