Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Forgive me Father, for I am on Facebook

In recent weeks there's been much brougha,critique,or just plain much ado about nothing surrounding Facebook. I think much of it stems from the media highlighting the fact that some folks have chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice and give up Facebook for Lent. And if you are one of those who did then I applaud you! But the past couple of weeks I have discovered an actual importance to Facebook.

Some of the disparaging but true images of Facebook being a distraction are:

a decrease in job productivity in the office, kids and their homework, reading,and most importantly reading our Bible and spending time in prayer, and spending quality time with our family. Some have even suggested Facebook has replaced communal relationships or in other words real world interaction .

Today some of our relationships are built via technology: twitter,texting,email,Facebook,and cell phone usage in general. Yes, Facebook can be an addiction, but what about all of the other distractions and addictions we face on a daily basis?

Today we have a wide variety of choices to be addicted and distracted to:
American Idol,Dancing With The Stars,cable news channels,sports,video games,texting and tweeting, and the over 300 channels we receive on that big screen television. Yes, the world is our oyster!

Along with Facebook being a great marketing tool for businesses, Facebook is also a great ministry tool as well. For some of us it's the friends we have facebooked who are missionaries in foreign countries that we can chat with and pray for,or we may post a quote or scripture verse on our wall to uplift someone who is in need. But one of the greatest things I've found recently were the many prayer requests that were posted by friends.A couple of urgent needs posted were: more than one request included families who had lost a loved one and needed prayer and another FB friend had an immediate request for a relative who was in dire straits in the hospital and needed urgent prayer. The latter one received an answer to prayers within hours.(thank you Jesus!)

Just by typing in a few words and with a click of a button a prayer request can instantly reach hundreds of brothers and sisters in Christ all at one time. Amazing isn't it?

Facebook along with all of the other addictions and distractions we face can easily be cured just by our learning to discipline ourselves and our time.

Facebook can be put to good use if you choose it to be.Facebook can be your friend.

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