The one thing these 2 pictures have in common is both animals appear to be thinking.
And besides being of 2 different species of animal,the other noticeable difference you see is that the lion appears to be thinking in peace, where as the gorilla looks like he is hard at work thinking.
During my years as a Youth Pastor the one quote I probably used the most on the teens was, "Thinking can be dangerous to your health." What I realized was that kids spend a lot of time thinking in terms of: what if? or what the heck is going on? . Now don't get me wrong,thinking can be a good thing if it is done for the right reasons. But when our thinking turns into worrying then we have a problem. Sometimes we fall into that trap of trying to figure out what God is doing with our life or we just begin to question our life's worth and purpose.
Winston Churchill once suggested we should:
"Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning."
In the flesh it is within our nature to try to figure things out and that's just the way we were made. But if we can get beyond that and get ourselves into the spiritual realm of thinking we'll find that we don't even have to figure anything out, it is already done for us. And that is the whole point of trusting in God and not just believing in God. He is the Master Architect who shapes us and molds us into something special. But we have to allow Him to do that with our lives.
I like what Walt Disney once said when putting into creation the amusement park rides at one of his parks:
"Whenever I go on a ride, I'm always thinking of what's wrong with the ride and how it can be improved."
This is exactly how we think when things aren't going right, "How can I improve this roller coaster ride of life that I am on?"
The only sure-fire way I know how to improve that ride in the game of life:
Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your ways to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass. (Psalms 37:3-5)
You're right. We don't do enough of the right kind of thinking, and too much of the wrong kind of thinking (worrying).
ReplyDeleteHey Buddy, your photography is OUTSTANDING!!!
thanks,Victor. it is hard to refrain from ill-advised thinking. i know we all struggle with it!