On a recent visit to the zoo I got the chance to see these African Wild dogs venture outside for their very first time. It was amazing to see their reaction to such simple things:
1.Papa teaching the young pups on how to tug on a Christmas tree and one of the pups coming away with barely a tree stem as he stumbles backward a few feet. He's not quite big and strong enough as pop's, yet!
2. Two of the ten pups chased each other around and then, ooops, one did a tumbling summer sault down the hill.
3. Another pup found his enjoyment of just circling around with a giant leaf in his mouth.
Ahh,the joys of new life and the newness of spring.
While soaking in these incredible sights and viewing these dogs passion for adventure within the realm of nature, my fondness for the newness of spring reached immacculate heights. I believe that's what happens when we endure the long hard winters in the midwest, east coast, the northern states, and this year even in the south. Our passion and yearning for spring increases as the months of cold winter drags on and actually brings us down.
These African Wild dogs can teach us a great lesson as we embark on spring. Enjoy every simple thing that spring has to offer:
the sight of a robin
the singing of all the birds in the early morning
the first visual signs of the flowers poking its way through the dirt
the first days of warm weather
a flowing brook as it galantly springs its way through the melting snow
the buds on trees making its first appearance
the whistling of a cardinal or the tapping of a woodpecker
May all of God's creation and beauty invigorate you this spring!