Thursday, September 2, 2010

Change is Inevitable, Growth is Optional

Have you ever been entrapped in anything for any length of time? Or maybe just stuck in a tough situation where there seems no end in sight? And through it all your mind is racing with fear,doubt,and anxiety. Then when you do get out of that what you are entrapped in, a big sigh of relief comes over you. But have you been changed?

It has been said that you learn from your mistakes and your faith grows the most through trials. The one constant we all know is there will always be change in our lives. A change of workplace, a change of living quarters, a change in direction of life, a change in relationships and friendships. Change is all around us and is a part of life. And what we do within those changes can make a difference that will last a lifetime.

When I give the dog more water in his bowl I sometimes have the choice of either just topping off what's left or I can dump what's left and give him fresh water to drink. I think this is similar to the changes we go through in life. We have a choice. It is up to us to be willing to grow within those changes and make a fresh start.

The dictionary defines the word "grow" as: develop, become bigger.

So if we can take advantage of the situation we may be in and choose to become a bigger person, not in the physical sense, but greater in faith and spirit,this will only strengthen us for the next battle we may face. Sometimes our biggest challenges in life are needed to prepare us for something greater.

Jonah was stuck in the belly of a fish for three days and those hours spent inside that fish pretty much changed his attitude with God and possibly his outlook on life.

"If they make it, if they get that hole drilled, when they come out of there, they'll feel like they're being born again."

This was quoted from a miner who survived 3 days in a mine shaft a few years ago and was speaking of the 33 Chilean miners who have been trapped since August 5th.
These men are stuck in a shelter underground and it may take until Christmas to get them out. The rescuers drilled 3 holes 2,200 feet underground in order to send them water, food, medicine, and special clothing to keep them dry.

I can't even imagine what these miners are going through not only physically, but mentally and spiritually. The shelter they are in is large enough for them to walk around in, so their chance of survival is good as they are not cramped in one position or another.

The media really hasn't given much detail on these men so we don't know what kind of character or spirituality they carry. But I do have to say that when they do come out and are able to look to the sky and see the sun, clouds,the stars and the moon,and they're families, they're lives will be changed forever. Changes on the outside and on the inside.

And may we all keep them and they're families up in prayer until that happens.

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