"Sometimes you just gotta do it, cuz you know it's the right thing to do!"
I think we can all relate to the fact that even when we want to be left alone, for one reason or another, sometimes we just have to give in and let that someone special get close to us. Whether that other person is seeking comfort,solace,peace,or just wanting to feel safe; it is the right thing to do.
This picture says a lot about feeling safe and secure. It is hard to figure out momma gorilla's demeanor because gorillas are not known to smile. But somehow I get the feeling she is content in giving in to the little one.
Last week the Dallas Cowboys Jay Ratliff lost his grandparents in a tragic house fire. The firefighters couldn't get to them in time due to the intense flames and smoke. Jay's grandfather was a WW2 Veteran and a double amputee who was in a hospital bed at the home. A distraught Jay said,
" They found my grandparents, and my grandmother was, I guess, holding my grandfather. She climbed back in bed, like if they can't get him, she's not leaving him."
There is something to be said for feeling safe and secure in someone's arms, and for Jay's grandparents it truly was "till death do us part".
Within the most widely used scripture, Psalm 23, King David writes:
Yeah, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff,they comfort me.
The Greek word for "comfort" here is "nacham" which means: not casual sympathy but actually weeping with those who weep, or sighing with those who sigh.
The majority of the psalms that David wrote, 73 to be exact,deal with God bringing comfort and peace to those who need it, or simply, being safe in His arms.
Those that have chosen to follow and walk the Christian walk can rely and trust on God in any situation. Oswald Chambers once said,
"Worldly people imagine that the saints must find it difficult to live with so many restrictions, but the bondage is with the world, not with the saints."
And that is because the saints have a comfort and peace that they can run to:
into the arms of Jesus Christ.