While running on the trails the other day I came across a detour, (yes even in the woods there's some kind of construction these days), the trail I usually don't go on had some interesting nature info signs such as the one in the above picture. Of course what came to mind for me when seeing this sign was the interesting parallel between this seed and the seed mentioned in The Parable of the Sower:
1. Seeds move in many ways to find sun, water, and soil they need to grow and succeed. Some seed gets eaten by birds, squirrels, and other animals.
2. Jesus explains in the Parable that the sower(us) sows the Word of God. Some seed is sown by the wayside and the enemy comes and takes away that Word that was sown.
Then there's seed sown on stony ground where some receive the Word with gladness, endure it only for a time, then stumble when a situation arises.
The seed spread among thorns are the one's who hear the Word but become distracted with the things of the world which chokes the Word and it becomes unfruitful.
Then finally we have the seed that is sown on good ground: those who hear the Word, accept it and bear fruit.
Something of importance in all of this is: that seed (the Word of God) needs to be tended to. It needs to be watered and nurtured in order to grow on good ground.
Oswald Chamber once said,
"God is not saving the world, it is done. Our business is
to get men and women to realize it."
Does God make you feel good? Has He ever turned you down in the time of need? If God is worth having in your life, isn't He worth sharing with others?
I like how one author describes himself,and this sums it up best:
"I'm just one beggar telling another beggar where I found bread."
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