One day while visiting the opening of the new primate house at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, one of the trainers asked me to participate in an intelligence exercise. Not on my intelligence, mind you, but on one of the mother gorillas there.
The trainer had me pull out some photos from my wallet to show Ms. Gorilla. The primate, who is nose to nose with me on the other side of the glass, would view my pictures one at a time. As I held a picture up for her to see, she would focus and stare at it for a few seconds, then she would tap the glass to let me know she was ready to glance at another picture,this went on until I was through showing her all of the pics I had in my possession. The primate family are known to be some of the most intelligent creatures on earth.
One of my favorite characters and lines from the Wizard of Oz was the Scarecrow and his wishful singing of,"If I only had a brain!"
Believe it or not, God gave each of us a brain. Though at times in school
some of my teachers may have questioned my possession of one. Needless to say, it is our responsibility to fill that brain with knowledge. And it's an even greater responsibility for those who are believers and followers of Christ.
There have been many scientific disclosures on what we fill our minds with and how it affects our lives. What we fill our minds with can and does affect our: attitude, behavior, our rest, and our peace.
King Solomon urges us to get wisdom:
"Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7)
And that understanding we are to get is through the Word of God. Biblical wisdom unites God, the Source of all understanding, with daily life, where principles of right living are put into practice.
If we fill our minds daily with what the media gives us, it only brings in a spirit of fear and restlessness which affects our what? Our attitude, behavior, rest and peace!
The Apostle Paul, while in prison for the second time, reminded Timothy in his time of struggle, that:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2Tim.1:7)
Having a sound mind means "safe thinking". When we discipline our thought patterns to according to what the Word of God says, we are seeking out the best knowledge and wisdom that money can't buy.
Einstein once said, "Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."
Trusting in God and searching for wisdom and knowledge through His Word shows a strength of character. And filling our hearts minds with Him brings about a peace that no one can take away. Not even the world.
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You. (Isaiah 26:3)