1.The flaming hot doorknob
2.Hosing down the outside steps so they freeze up
3. Black tar on basement stairs
4.Flame thrower to Joe Pesci's head
5.And of course, the old, flying paint cans across the staircase to nail you in the face
In case you've seen the movie less than 10 times, let me refresh your memory:
Macaulay Culkin plays an 8 year old named Kevin who is considered by his family as helpless and irresponsible. Kevin and his mom have harsh words with each other the evening before the family's scheduled flight to Europe for a Christmas vacation. Kevin gets sent to a bedroom up in the attic to sleep off his steam . And in a huff, Kevin wishes his family would disappear.
When he wakes up the next morning he finds out his wish has been fulfilled. Not really. The family oversleeps and leaves in a flurry for the airport so they won't miss their plane. Once up in the air they finally realize they've left Kevin behind!
Along with all the humor and budding jokes within the booby traps, this John Hughes classic carries with it a great message on forgiveness:
Kevin is fearful of old man Murphy (who likes to salt the sidewalks in the neighborhood every winter evening) because of his brother Buzz's ficticious tale of the old man murdering his family and hiding out in their neighborhood and being callously known as"The Shovel Slayer".
While sitting in the neighborhood church on Christmas Eve observing the Childrens Choir rehearsal, Kevin sees the old man sitting across from him. The old man recognizes Kevin and comes over to say hello. As they make small talk we learn:
Old man Murphy's granddaughter is singing in the choir and he is not welcome to come see her perform tonight because of some harsh words he and his son had in the past. The old man admits to Kevin that he's afraid of calling his son for he may not want to talk to him.
"No offense, but, aren't you a little too old to be afraid?" Kevin asks.
"You're never too old to be afraid", he replies.
Kevin encourages him to call his son,
"Then you can stop worrying about it and you won't be afraid anymore."
After spending the night fending off the Wet Bandits with his homemade booby traps, Kevin gets some sleep and wakes up Christmas morning and in walks his mom, who made countless detours and finaggling to get home to her son. And all is forgiven between not only Kevin and his mom, but the reconciliation of the old man and his son.
In our forgiveness of others we need to show God's love, for out of it comes the same grace that God has bestowed upon us.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold all things have become new. (2Cor.5:17)
When you ask Jesus into your heart you are totally forgiven of all your sins. You are made new, the slate is wiped cleaned, a chance to start all over again. A chance to live a victorious and abundant life in Christ Jesus. You are a brand new person!
And even though we are bound to make mistakes, God still forgives us for His love is unconditional. That same forgiveness God grants us on a daily basis when we have done wrong should be the same forgiveness we have on others.
Make this Christmas Season a joyous one. A season of love and forgiveness.
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