Have you noticed how everything is so luscious green, flowers are blooming, trees are sprouting? This is all because of rain. So, rain is a good thing, right? Sometimes a little rain in the midst of our lives can be a good thing too. As long as we have a teachable Spirit and we grow from it.
The neighborhood I live in has lots of trees. And where there's trees, there's birds. This morning they started singing at 4 am. I have always been fascinated by their different voices blending together as if they were serenading me: a cardinal whistles, a robin chirps, a crow caws, a woodpecker jackhammers.
I distinctly remember one of those loud thunderous summer storms we had on a Saturday morning last year.It had everything: rain, hail, high winds, booming thunder.And as I laid there in bed, amidst all the mixed sounds of commotion flowing through the clouds, I heard the singing of all these same birds that I am hearing today. What God had revealed to me was exactly what I was hearing. Know matter what storms may pass through your life, just keep singing My praises and don't worry.
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" Mth.6:26