Monday, November 16, 2015

Christmas Hath No Fury

"What's the deal with Ovaltine? It comes in a round jar. It's served in a round cup.
They should call it Roundtine."

"That's gold, Jerry! Gold!"   - scene from a Seinfeld episode

This past week it was all about a red cup on social media. A red cup that didn't say Merry Christmas.
Someone allegedly complained that Starbucks Christmas cups didn't have any Christmas symbols or message on it, just the famous Starbucks logo. To me it sounds like a great marketing ploy started by a Starbucks employee or a competitor, because it went viral quickly throughout the world. And that's what the technology of today can do, it can take nothing and make it into something. Not only that, but it's free advertisement.

Have you noticed no one has complained about the McDonalds Christmas cup, which says absolutely nothing about Christmas either, yet comes in a red cup?

Hence, my thinking that this was all just a marketing ploy, and it worked!

This holiday season we need to remember not to get caught up in the so called Christmas Wars,
it's most likely a marketing ploy used by all of us on social media.

This and every Christmas should be about spending time with friends, family, celebrating the real reason for the season, and spreading love to those in need.

This photo is from a recent Night Ministry where we fed hot soup to over 100 people, some homeless, in the inner city of Chicago.

And I am sure throughout our country and world, each of us can at least find one person who is in need. Take your Christmas Spirit of love to a higher level this season. It's more fulfilling than that cup of coffee in a red cup.

Reminder: Just after Thanksgiving, I will begin my 7th year of posting Christmas movie reviews. I have some new exciting one's in store for you.

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