Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bad Company

"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company." - Mark Twain

Ahh, who doesn't love a good Mark Twain quote? He has always been one of my favorites because 
he shoots from the hip; speaks his mind in a variety of ways. I believe here Twain is saying that the company you surround yourself with has an influence on your life, the choices you make, and the future path you go on.

In a recent conversation with my brother we spoke of our past friendships and how some of the company we kept weighed us down from where we should have been headed to at that moment in time. Yes, it is the company we keep at different intervals of our life that has an influence on all things pertaining to life. How many of you have hung around people who were negative, made bad choices, brought you into a bad situation, or weighed you down from moving ahead? 

An obvious biblical character who had it rough with the company he kept was Moses. Even though God chose Moses to lead the Israelites to the Promise Land, how many times do you think Moses .thought to himself these people are driving me crazy. For all the times they complained of lack of food and water upon their travels and even when God delivered to them more than enough, they still found time to complain even more. In fact, God even refers to them as stiff-necked, rebellious people.  

I have hung around people like that in the past, and let's just say it wasn't pretty. Sometimes it is best to sever ties with those around us that bring us down, unless your like Moses and God has called you to lead them. Good luck on that one! I've been in relationships where I've had friends that I have helped out numerous times, but after awhile it got to the point where they were taking advantage of me, so I chose to sever ties with them. This is one subject I know many of you can relate to.

 Hanging around the wrong crowd can also change the identity and character of who you are. Those negative words they may speak in front of you can influence negative thoughts within your own self; straying you away from who God intends for you to be.

When Face Book first started out, people got addicted and it became a popularity contest where some had the goal of trying to see how many FB friends they could get. Yes, Face Book is great for interacting and building relationships, but it is the company you keep. 
Do they have an influence on your thought process?

Are they infiltrating your mind with negativity or crud?

Have a political agenda and try to change your opinion on matters?

I like to surround myself with people that carry a positive attitude, have the same likes and dislikes in a variety of areas that I am familiar with, and approach life in a humorous way, not changing the identity of who they are, yet remaining humble. Face Book carries a lot of weight on what we feed our minds with. Most of my FB friends have no agenda, are Christians, remain positive, and post words of encouragement to others. This is the kind of company that I personally want to be in.

Here are some of my favorite quotes on the company you keep:

Bad Company corrupts good character

If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas

Make sure everyone in your boat is rowing and not drilling holes when your not looking.

 If you want to identify someone's character, examine the friends he sits with.

Life becomes easier when you delete the negative people from it.

You are who you are by virtue of the company you keep.

Remain who you are. Don't let others dictate your thought process, change your mood, your attitude, 
your character. 

 As Dr. Seuss would say,

"Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!"

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