Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Babes in Training

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6 

Their cute when their young, but lookout when they get older! They will honk alot and poop all over your sidewalk. Nope, I'm not talking about babies in the human form, but goslings who eventually turn into adult geese. Early spring each year, we have a goose who nests on our lower office roof. It's ironic she always has her babies just before Mothers Day, go figure. After they hatch, mother goose will walk up and down atop the roof making sure the babes learn to follow her. Mother will not lead them away until they have learned to follow, which usually lasts a day and a half.

When mother feels they are ready, she will fly down from the lower roof and call them down. The goslings don't have wings yet, so it takes a little courage on their part to jump. They float down as if parachuting. You can checkout my video of this on YouTube, under the heading "Davesphotoshop".

Just recently an 11 year-old dolphin at a Chicago zoo gave birth to a baby. The mother, named Spree, was brought to Brookfield Zoo from another zoo so she could learn maternal instincts from an older mother dolphin who has had lots of experience in having babies successfully.

I find it interesting how these mothers of a different kind, closely resemble the parental guidance,training and instincts we humans carry. How can anyone say there isn't a God?

If you are a parent and have children that you've raised properly, and you feel like you've failed because they aren't walking the way you have taught them, be strong and keep praying for them. If you have taught them properly as babes, that which you have taught will never leave them. It may just take a little longer for it to sink in with them.

Pray without ceasing.

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