Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How the Grinch Stole Christmas: My Review

Dracula's Boris Karloff narrating a Dr. Seuss tale? Who would've thunk it. After watching this Christmas classic just recently, it first aired in 1966, this was the first time I actually noticed the famed original Dracula was the narrator.

The Grinch is a grumpy hermit who hates Christmas and decides to steal Christmas from the town of Who'ville.
"No one knows why. Perhaps his shoes are too tight. Maybe his head isn't screwed on right.
Perhaps his heart is 2 sizes too small."
I love how this short tale begins with the entire town of Who'ville coming together to sing while decorating the town and each others homes. Of watching all their enjoyment of Christmas, the one thing the Grinch hated the most: the entire town gathering around the big Christmas tree in the center of town, standing together hand-in-hand singing. The Grinch hated their joy.
"They'll sing, and they'll sing, and they'll sing. I must stop Christmas!"
The Grinch decides to disguise himself as Santa and ride into town in the middle of night to steal all their Christmas presents, decorations, and all the food for their Christmas feast. Why, he even steals the candy canes clutched within the little fingers of the children while they are nestled in their beds. All in hopes of taking away their Christmas joy.
" Your a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You have termites in your smile."
On Christmas morning the Grinch sits atop the hill awaiting the response from all of Who'ville, hoping he's accomplished the dastardly deed of stealing their joy. The townsfolk of Who'ville gather in the town square and sing to welcome in Christmas morning. The Grinch hadn't stopped Christmas from coming.
"Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store; maybe Christmas perhaps means a little bit more."
The Grinch's heart grew three times bigger and he rides into town to return everything he had stolen from the town of Who'ville.
This is one of my favorites of all the classic Christmas cartoons we know and love. It's a simple message that Christmas isn't about presents under the tree, but it's about what's in your heart.
And of course, we know that Christmas Spirit is something we should carry with us all 365 days of the year.


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