Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."

Here in America we are spoiled, as we take for granted the simple things in life, such as: running water, even hot water, heat, food,electricity,and safety. Yes, safety. I often think about taking safety for granted while crossing railroad tracks, with the gates up,obviously. Who says there couldn't be a train barreling down those tracks toward me and the trigger mechanism not working on those gates.

A couple of Sundays ago a tornado hit the small, central town of Washington, Illinois. Tornadoes in mid-November is uncommon for Illinois and to the Midwest in general. With most of this town wiped out, the death toll was limited to just one soul. What's so amazing is that the death toll was so low because most of the town was in church. None of the churches in Washington were hit by the massive tornado.

Like Abe Lincoln suggests, we can make up our mind to be happy when we dwell on those simple things in life that we have each day. In many countries hot water and electricity is not available, if it were, it would be considered a luxury to them.

This Thanksgiving, us Americans should be grateful for the simple things in life that we have. And if you see someone in need, bless them, for in return you shall be blessed.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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