Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fox in a Jar

The young fox travels down a less traveled dusty road with his head stuck in a jar; he obviously got into something he shouldn't have.
A military jeep pulls to the side of the road and two Russian soldiers exit the vehicle as the baby fox precariously approaches them. As the soldiers chuckle, one of them kindly removes the jar from the fox' head. The fox retreats to the woods but upon entering, the fox first turns to acknowledge the soldiers who saved him from despair, and probably embarrassment from the other animals. A cute video recently posted on YouTube: http://youtu.be/pdAeeG6at5M.

How many of you have ever felt like you were stuck in a jar, even if for a moment?

Even for those of us who are followers of Christ busyness can be a stranglehold on our daily life. Just this past week I felt overwhelmed with too much busyness and felt depleted spiritually. I usually can handle the busyness of all my responsibilities including those outside of work, but when my strength feels lightened I know where to go for strength. It took me quite awhile to form this habit of wanting to be in God's presence, even if for just a moment within my busy day. It is upon God's presence where we draw strength.

"What does the Lord your God require of you?
To fear Him, to live according to His will, to love and worship Him with all your heart and soul.
(Deuteronomy 10:12)

When we make it a priority to not just follow Christ, but carry out that desire to be near Him, joy, strength and peace follow.

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." - John Piper

For more encouragement of God's Word, checkout: www.biblegateway.com


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