An acquaintance of mine a few years back requested my help from some contacts I knew in regards to her getting some t-shirts printed. Her design for the front of the shirt was a dog and the letters D.O.G. And on the back of the shirt was an acronym of those letters spelling out: Depend On God
My thoughts traced back to that slogan during this past week's blizzard here in Chicago. On Tuesday evening we faced the howling of 60 mph winds, snow falling at the rate of 3 inches per hour,temperatures dropping into the single digits, and the threat of losing power which obviously includes losing your heat. Oh, and did I forget to mention the thunder and lightening as well?
Now I am guessing that most of us who believe in God or even those that may have just a small inkling that there is a God were doing some kind of: praying, talking, shouting, pleading with God, or possibly even making a barter with the Man Upstairs for safety.
Why is it that when something huge hits that our dependency on God is so much greater than during any normal day when everything is fine? I believe it may have something to do with fear.
But through this storm I had one of those Ah Ha Moments . One where I realized how much I depend on God,am grateful to have Him in my life, and thankful He is a big part of my life. And I also found out how much confidence I do have in Him within the storms of life.
Smith Wigglesworth once suggested that believers give themselves a choice:
"Some of me,some of God." Or, "None of me, ALL of God."
When we make God not just the center of our life but the entire wholeness of our life, our dependency on Him during the storms won't even enter our thoughts because we have confidence in knowing He is there with us and for us. Only a life in Christ is worth living. A life of confidence, joy, and no fear.
Amen, Dave!! Great post!