The Panda Bears are one of my favorites of the warm and fuzzy animals.Their uniqueness is obviously in their black and white patches and scientists have absolutely no explanation as to why all Pandas are born with these patches. When Pandas are born they typically weigh only 3-7 oz.and the male bear can grow up to 330 pounds.They are part of the bear family, are an endangered species, and live in the habitat of China.
If you live in the United States you may find the Panda Bears living in only 4 zoos:
San Diego, Memphis, Washington D.C., and Atlanta. The reason why they are only in a small amount of zoos is simple: it costs each zoo $1 million dollars per year on a ten-year contract with the Chinese government.
I live in the Chicago area so I found it interesting that the first Panda bear (named Su Lin) to live in our country was at Brookfield Zoo in 1936.
A couple of interesting facts about these fuzzy bears:
1. Their diet consists of 99 percent bamboo.
2. In the wild of China these bears do not hibernate, they just seek an elevation with warmer temps.
3. Instead of visual memory they navigate by spatial memory which is recording information in their brain like us humans.
On my last visit to San Diego Zoo I was blessed to view these remarkable animals and watch one of them use his climbing skills. He casually climbed up a tree, sat on the highest branch for about 60 seconds, then retreated back down.
Thanks for the show Mr. Panda Bear, you are definitely a unique animal and one of God's great creation.
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