Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Roadmap to Knowledge

"The only source of knowledge is experience" - Albert Einstein

Surprisingly, Einstein failed his first university entrance exam. He passed both math and science, but failed the rest. Einstein had to go to a trade school for one year before he retook the exam and was finally admitted into the Swiss Federal Polytechnical School.

Nice to know that even Einstein's roadmap to success had failure within it.

Whenever I teach you are bound to eventually hear within the weeks of study, my illustration of the roadmap to success:

"When I get to heaven I will pull out a map and ask God, 'Why did you have me go all over the map until you got me where you wanted me?' In other words, 'Why didn't you make an easier route for me to get to where I am today spiritually?"

"Why did my destination to my destiny take so long?"

I am sure God's reply would simply be, "What took you so long, Dave?"

I've heard many times that it's the adventure of getting to your destination that makes the man.
Like Einstein suggests, experience can be our greatest access to success. Through life's ups-and-downs, our many failures and mistakes, it's those experiences that shape us into who God wants us to be.

Charles Spurgeon once indulged on this in a very profound way,

"The Father has infinite patience because He knows our immaturity will prevent us from reaching and experiencing the highest places in the Spirit.
God is ok with spending 20 years on a development that could have taken two years to complete."

"God doesn't measure time, He measures growth."

Now that I am happy with His roadmap to my destiny, I need to come up with a different question to ask upon meeting The Big Guy. Hmm, maybe I'll just say, "I love you."


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